PRICE: $47
AN UN-BIASED & HONEST 6 FIGURE TOOLKIT REVIEW: Hello, Ian here. You are probably here because you are looking for a genuine and effective ways of making money online at the comfort of your home, not to mention a fast and simple ways too. If you're not, did you happen to receive an email or have seen or heard of the 6 figure tool kit system from somewhere. That is why you’re probably here on this page because you want an honest review of the 6 figure toolkit system by Justin James and want to know what is 6 figure tool kit all about and how you are going to make money with it.
Today, in this post I am going to give an in-depth review of 6 figure tool kit system by Steven James and Justin James, that I have tested and how the system works.
The Six Figure Toolkit provides 3 simple steps that is easy to understand and follow. It has sales funnel that have already done for you with your own squeeze page so even people who are new to internet marketing can do. It is basically, a free business that comes in a box with all many essential marketing tools, that let's you build your business in a few minutes. In this system
you will not find a big flashy fancy videos of someone telling you his a big private jet and mansion then guides you through this system, just another average person who wants to share his working system.
The members are looks good in my opinion as you can see everything can be easily accessible and each tabs above are the tutorials that are all laid out.
The last part of the 6 figure toolkit is the bonuses that you can get in the members area such as free websites that can be made into what you want if you request for one and other product reviews by Justin James that he find will help you fatten your income more.
However, the 6 figure toolkit training program teaches you how to drive free buyer's traffic to your commission portals that will easily make money whenever you hit send button. Still, after following the training program on using their recommended traffic generator I still find it hard to make any sales.
Please note that this is not some average training where Justin James teaches how to make money online instantly.
Give it a go for 60 days. Click the link and check it out.
FROM: Steven James & Justin James
6 Figure Tool Kit Honest Review
AN UN-BIASED & HONEST 6 FIGURE TOOLKIT REVIEW: Hello, Ian here. You are probably here because you are looking for a genuine and effective ways of making money online at the comfort of your home, not to mention a fast and simple ways too. If you're not, did you happen to receive an email or have seen or heard of the 6 figure tool kit system from somewhere. That is why you’re probably here on this page because you want an honest review of the 6 figure toolkit system by Justin James and want to know what is 6 figure tool kit all about and how you are going to make money with it.
Today, in this post I am going to give an in-depth review of 6 figure tool kit system by Steven James and Justin James, that I have tested and how the system works.
you will not find a big flashy fancy videos of someone telling you his a big private jet and mansion then guides you through this system, just another average person who wants to share his working system.
After using the 6 figure tool kit software from Steven James and Justin James for about a week. I feel it's time to share my thoughts and results of what I find and give an honest in-depth 6 figure toolkit review.
Who is Steven James & Justin James
The 6 figure tool system is developed by Steven James and Justin James who have years of life experience in this field.
Steven James is the mentor of Justin James even though he now works at the sidelines and let Justin James run the Six Figure Toolkit so he is actually a co-founder of this system.
In 6 figure toolkit you will learn what his mentor taught him when he first started his online
career and earn 6 figure as the name suggest.
Now, the question is will what he learned from his mentor be able to work for you? Is he really being truthful and honest in helping you make money online or is just another 'fake' scam artist guru to make people fall for his scheme using the 6 figure toolkit system?
Let’s continue to find the truth behind this system…
My 6 Figure Toolkit Experience
Now, let me explain as to why this is a fairly good system to have even if you are new to online marketing with no experience.
The Six Figure Toolkit does not need any hosting, domain registering, to get ranking in Google, spending on FaceBook ads, binary trading, and it is not some pyramid scheme and mlm scheme.
All there is require you to do is to set up a 6 figure tool kit commission
portal which will help you build email leads while making you commissions all on complete autopilot.
Everything is hosted on their website, so you don’t need any web hosting
or domain of your own even your squeeze page is hosted too.After that you just name your commission portal and that’s
I got my 6 figure toolkit system by Justin James after hearing it from a friend and paid through Clicksure, a trustworthy site for getting a copy of this system. The system has 60 days 100% money back guarantee so I decides to give it go and see what's all the fuss is about.
After successfully purchasing the system through their secure payment sites, I was taken to the 6 figure toolkit members area. Below is an exclusive look of the
members area of the 6 figure toolkit:
The members are looks good in my opinion as you can see everything can be easily accessible and each tabs above are the tutorials that are all laid out.
The 6 Figure Toolkit will teach you how to quickly make set up your own commission portals and get started with traffic to start profiting. Justin James's
system will deliver instant traffic to your commission portal that will not find anywhere else and make you
money. He shows you step by step from moment you become a member so that if you are new to online marketing, you won't get confused
anywhere and can get the benefit of this whole system.
It is very
easy and simple to follow. As mentioned above you don’t need to register a domain name or a hosting plan because it's all on their website. You don't even need to go and find a place to start generating traffic because that is very
Instead he will sent traffic to your squeeze page. Though if you do decide to have him sent traffic to other places it can work too.
It’s definitely one of the best compare to many of the system out there and surprisingly it works quite good.
I am going to give you my result in this review later but first let me tell
you what you will get once you are inside when you buy the 6 figure toolkit program by Justin James.
The 6 Figure Toolkit System
The 6 figure toolkit will help you get everything set up in no more than 10 to 15 minutes (for me this is how long it took me as I was rushing through to see if this will work or not), though it might take longer than that but no more than an hour because
in 6 figure tool kit by Justin James makes sure that you don't mess around
to get it all set up and start earning some commission.You don’t need any websites or technical experience for this system to work.
So if you are someone who have come across many system that promises you “free
websites” but don't deliver then you will definitely want to give the 6 figure tool kit a go as hosting is included so you don’t have to pay to get some hosting because often it is quite costly.
The system is very simple to use and works effectively. I was able to
quickly set it up in less 13 minutes and got traffic flowing in just a few hours. The cash you earn from making sales will be directly sent to your Clicksure account from here you can choose to cash out directly into your personal bank account or Paypal if you prefer to sent it there. Again the results will be shown later below.
The 6 Figure Toolkit Tutorials
The 6 Figure Toolkit has really simple step by step tutorials to follow with each instruction shown by Justin James in video on how to set it all up and Justin James kept the instruction really easy to follow and understand so you won't find problems and mess around with this system. The video tutorial takes from 2 to 5 minutes each long with 7 steps to take you through setting up the system and how to use it. This is how I managed to rush through in less 13 minutes as the tutorial was easy to follow and understand.
If you don't want to follow the video tutorial because you have slow internet connection or want to go through the instruction again, that is fine because all the instruction also comes in PDF files and you can download to your computer with link below every tutorial.
Live Training Bonuses
Over the time when you are member you can sign up for these live training bonuses where successful online guest speakers will tell you how to become successful online. There will be giveaway too when you sign up for these Live Webinars and all these are free of cost to you. Not only that you can chat to these guest speaker live through option of microphones from you computer or telephone.
There is also a live Webinar featuring Justin James and his mentor Steven James sharing valuable traffic generating ideas and secrets but mostly how to become succeed in you online marketing. Again, you have the option to chat to them live through microphone from your computer or telephone so if you have a question they can answer it immediately. Sounds sweet, doesn't it?

The Done For You System
The 6 figure tool kit comes with already made high converting lead capture page and sales funnel so you can build that email list of yours and that is very important if you want to be successful in online marketing. So if you struggle at CSS or HTML
codes and copy writing then you will be happy to know that the squeeze
pages have already been made for you and they not only appealing but they can convert too.
Here is a screenshot of one of the squeeze page:
"Laser Targeted Traffic" - High Converting Traffic
training program provides you the option to buy traffic, so if you want
to buy traffic but don’t know where to begin, the 6 Figure Toolkit have
this "Laser Targeted Traffic" in the back office.
this is as you probably know is cost per lead kind of similar to cost
per click but a lot better because it has a better conversion than other cost per click. Laser Targeted Traffic comes in 4 packages:
Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum and is available from 50 clicks to 250
clicks with prices ranging from $40 to $180. Below is the page where you can get this traffic:
The 6 Figure Toolkit Special Bonuses
The last part of the 6 figure toolkit is the bonuses that you can get in the members area such as free websites that can be made into what you want if you request for one and other product reviews by Justin James that he find will help you fatten your income more.
My 6 Figure Toolkit Result
The start of this review I mentioned that I purchased my copy of the 6 figure toolkit by Justin James about 2 weeks ago. After getting everything set up and running through the members area, I went to check my Clicksure
affiliate account to see if I made any sales and whether it actually produce the vision that I had envisioned or simply is it just a scam as many product on internet marketing today.
What I found for the first 1 to 2 day was no sale was made and I didn’t make any money online. I thought to myself, NO SALE = SCAM …
However, I couldn't be wrong when I checked my account on after a week. I was proved wrong by Justin James and this 6 figure tool system of his because it actually did produce the result that I had envisioned and helped me make a bit of
money. Although it's not a large figure but over the days it gradually increased and here is the long awaited result from me using the 6 figure tool system:
Can you see it that the money is coming in? The feeling of seeing money pouring into your account is a wonderful feeling. I am sure I’ll be making more if I invest more time and effort.
On The Side Note...
Now, with all that said, what's next to the 6 figure tool kit? Actually there is, and this is one of the hardest part to why many fail in online marketing, that is to send traffic to your commission portals through your squeeze page and convert them to make sales. Even I find this part hard when I was using the system.
However, the 6 figure toolkit training program teaches you how to drive free buyer's traffic to your commission portals that will easily make money whenever you hit send button. Still, after following the training program on using their recommended traffic generator I still find it hard to make any sales.
It is required to spend at least 30 minutes of your daily schedule so less TV and FaceBook or Twitter to gain a better life. If you think about it 30 minutes is not a lot to ask from you especially you still get lots of free time daily from this done for you money making system. After that you may starting getting traffic and sales.
Great, this sound it good but anything bad about the system. As mentioned before this review will be un-biased and honest. As far as I can see all the internet marketing product that is out there except for the scam ones will have some downside to it so is there any from the 6 figure tool system?
The answer is a big YES!!!
Unfortunately, even a system such as the 6 figure tool kit by Justin James that sound it great have some downside to it and
here is why....
The Downside of 6 Figure Toolkit
The 6 Figure Toolkit is not some push-button magic or
software. Please understand that you will have to give a little effort to make it work but it’s not
too hard if you follow the training properly without skipping any of the given materials.
Please note that this is not some average training where Justin James teaches how to make money online instantly.
Although the training do cover on this but to generate traffic to your commission portal it is still not as simple as you think. Some investment is required to get traffic but this is not guaranteed that you will get traffic if you do, especially for some because they don't treat this as a business. Some people thinks that you only need to invest just a small amount for something to work, I'm afraid that is not how business work in real life. There might be some system out there that might give you just that but for 6 figure toolkit unfortunately that doesn't apply to this because the 6 figure toolkit is a business but on a smaller scale.
Still, the training program do give you some option to where to invest so you could get traffic flowing in. If you know where to get traffic such as Solo Ad, that will do too because other traffic generating website can be incorporate with the 6 figure tool kit. You can also promote your squeeze page through free generating traffic such as YouTube, FaceBook or other social media network.
This includes the 'laser targeted traffic', it is
a good investment but the results you will receive with your purchase
varies. You might get subscriber or sales or just clicks.
Say What?! Just GVO, No Other Choice?
The other downside of this system is, it only works with GVO (Global Virtual Opportunities) autoresponder, another important part of online marketing. For those who uses Aweber, Getresponse or iContact than you are out of luck as 6 figure toolkit have not decide to make it work with other autoresponder but if you already have a GVO account then you are in luck as you can simply insert your GVO user ID in and your ready to go.
If you not you will need to sign up a GVO account and this will be shown how to in the members area. For $1 you get a 7 day trial follow by $9.99 per month (up to 10,000 leads) or a year subscription is a lot cheaper.
In comparison its quite cheap than Aweber and has good delivering rates that both Awber and Getresponse but that just my opinion.
Customer Support, You Are No Help!
Lastly, what I found from the 6 figure toolkit that was really apoorling was their customer service. No doubt their customer service is not good. It's not the worst out there but definitely not the best I have experienced. The response gets slower and slower each inquiry you submit and a lot of time the answer you get is either irrelevant or ignored. In the video he mentioned great customer support and how he will follow up with you to see if you are up and running, apparently that didn't happen so it was a let down when it comes to assistance.
Now, I know that the customer service is not good, nonetheless the system is still one of the best out there in comparison to other software that I have come across. Basically, if you have many questions regarding the tutorial or the 6 figure toolkit system then their customer service is of no help to you. However, Justin James himself can provide great assistance for the 6 figure members just sent him an email and he will provide a better assistance for you, though he doesn't follow up with your progress, wish he could and it would be great but probably he is just busy who knows.
Please take note that he doesn't give out his personal email even to 6 figure members so you kind of have to request from the customer service or somehow find out yourself. Of course if you need to contact him in regards to feedback or complaints I can give you his personal email if require his personal help and only if you find that the customer service is of no help but once you are a member.
Still, Justin is a busy person so if he couldn't respond to you I am happy to attempt to help out if you have any questions regarding 6 figure toolkit.
Types of Membership from 6 Figure Toolkit
In 6 figure toolkit there are two types of membership, the starter and an advanced membership. The advanced is an upgrade for the start member and is one time payment that you can get at any time, just so you know what will be ahead if you do decide to get this 6 figure tool system.
- Starter Member:
- You get one squeeze page to monetize into sales
2. Advanced Member:
- You get one squeeze page and 5 more squeeze pages to monetize into sales
- You get access to the advanced training program that will help you build your list using a much easier method and that is a secret that I can't review sorry.
Other Optional Packages to Consider
There are two more optional packages on the 6 Figure Toolkit that you can get at anytime and these are the 360 plus campaign and the live Webinar training exclude the live Webinar featuring guest speaker, those are free cost to you.
- 360 Plus Campaign:
All 6 figure tool members will get 10 pre-written follow up letter but after that you will have to write the letters yourself. Following up with your subscriber is very important in online marketing. However if you find writing letters is time-consuming or just don't know what to write then this package is for those who fits the above criteria.
As the name suggest 360 so you can kind of figure out that once you get this you get 360 days of pre-written letters so that you don't have to worry about writing new letters for your subscribers.
2. Live Webinar Training:
This features Steven James, mentor of Justin James and Justin James himself talking about the other methods of generating traffic and how to become more successful online. Unfortunately is not free to you and is kind of expensive too but its helpful to you if you want to learn more from them or taking your business to the next level by chatting with them live then this might be good for you or else you don't have to get it.
Final Review of 6 Figure Toolkit
Wow so many words and I thought that my grandma was the only one in the family who can blab the longest guess I proved myself wrong in this review. I am just delighted about sharing everything I know about this product without revealing too much about it, um... I think.
Overall, the 6 figure toolkit by Justin James is not a
scam. It is easy to set up and works effectively. It only require you to invest a little of your time daily to see it work. It also tells you exactly what is about and what it's not, provided with instant traffic and your capture page too so if you are new and don't know where to start getting traffic, this system will suit you because it will guide you. Though, the customer service and the option of auto responder needs to shape up. If it can then this will be a perfect system.
Still, is it worth buying it? All I can say is, don't take my word for it,
it's still completely up to you if you want to buy it and give
it shoot. All the things about this system that you need to know or can know beside how he make money with it are covered here but there is a probability that other product out there, that you may
find would be more suitable for you and perhaps it can even beat this system by a miles too. Nevertheless I personally think it's still a good system to buy especially if you new to this market.
You now get a clear
idea of what you are getting for $47 here and as you can see this is as real as it can get and far from scam. Final words, this is a good system to buy for $47 and is sold through Clicksure, a trustworthy site to get your copy from and this is backed up with 60 days 100% money back guarantee so what can you lose here?
As for this system it will definitely get a green go from me to Justin Jame's, 6 Figure Toolkit system. I would recommend
you to buy it and give it go.
Below is the link, just enter your email and you will be directed to the 6 figure toolkit main page for more information and product purchases to get started today.
Give it a go for 60 days. Click the link and check it out.
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